Saturday, September 11, 2010


OK. Obviously, I watched the wrong videos for my second post assignment. I am so sorry to whomever is supposed to comment on me. Wait, you probably got a good laugh out of it.

Well, actually, I didn't know. And I'm not sure I wanted to know because all of these BIG facts scare me. These technological issues involving the speed at which information travels and all of the different ways of gathering intimidate me.
I know that, as a teacher, I will have to be part of this information revolution and I have to be aware of my place in this world. I have to be aware to better serve my students.

This is the very reason that I am attracted to being a teacher and a student. There will always be a need for instruction and there is always something to be learned. The classroom is a comforting and nostalgic place for everyone.
But, I doubt I will be so lucky as to have a classroom with no computer to speak of. I say lucky because I am very proficient and confident in the "old school" way of teaching and learning. This video is a testament to these "old school" fundamentals. I know that I will have to be contantly learning about the new ways of gathering knowledge.

No one should forget the importance of the arts. My philosophy is that without the allowance of creative release our happiness is what escapes us; and what good are we to the world as sad, unmotivated souls.
I believe that in an attempt to manage the rapid population growth schools have become more like machines producing little business men and women. There is hardly any room for individual expression in the world of business.
The story of the dancer is just one example of how schools today, of how society today, can hold us back as individuals. I do not claim to be a mastermind on any subject, but I am certain that individual creativity is ignored these days.

Well I hope that this class will harness my digital smarts. I do know the importance of this, but I am just uneducated when it comes to the digital world.
The most important part for me of this video is the reassurance. The techer said to not come into the teaching profession feeling like you have to know everything. Be willing to learn especially from your students.


  1. I appreciate the honesty about your feelings towards technology in today's day and age. It is very true that it may be overemphasized, but technology does have a place in classrooms today. A teacher must know how to teach without relying on technology as if it is a crutch used to teach for teachers. But technology can be used to improve upon the teaching capabilities of even the finest of educators.

  2. I agree with the so called "Old School" method of teaching but technology is going to take over. After a student grasps the basic concepts in the classroom I have no problem with them using other means to calculate or gather information. Dr. Strange unfortunately does not agree with me but I was wondering if you could possibly read some of the comments and posts on my blog #2 assignment and let me know how you feel about them.

  3. Mary,

    You are correct when you say this ... Be willing to learn especially from your students ... here is EDM 310 we have learned more from our students than we ever could have imagined. The community of learners that has come about from this class is amazing.
