Sunday, September 19, 2010


In this post, Dr. Mcleoud has a very facetious way of expressing the fear of technology that most parents (including myself) experience today. But he has a serious point. Just because you may be scared as a parent to venture into the unknown, doesn't mean that you should deprive your kids a learning experience. Not only that you may learn something if you hang around and look over their shoulder.

My opinion is that us parents should be right there learning with our children. Us aunts and uncles should be happy to teach the young people in our lives. Technology is too huge a part of our society for anyone to ignore.

Did you know that Dr. McLeoud is the guy that made the "Did You Know?" video? Wow, what a mouth full. I have to say that I am glad to get to know about this person and I will be visiting his blog regularly.


It is my belief that there is nothing like teaching and learning with actual human beings. To have a school that requires no human contact whatsoever is kinda sci-fi for me. It is scary to think about how close things are to being this way.

On the other hand, the green aspect of it is awesome. We at least need to have classes that are all web enhanced to significantly reduce the waste of resources.


This was cool. Thanks for this. The symbolism here is just awesome and unmatched. It is just that easy to turn your life around. Encouragement and support does have to come from somewhere but once a person is determined to do their best, it seems as if life's path reverses just as smoothly as this poem did.


This was just weird. Since I am a live music hog, my opinion is biased but this was just too inorganic. I love to hear harmonizing but there was a slight electric buzz in the background that made it hard to listen to. No, it wasn't my speakers, it's just because those voices were intersected by too much technology before they made their way to my ears.

I have no doubt that this took careful organization and a particular ear. The idea of bringing so many voices together that way is cool enough. I just couldn't get into it.

1 comment:

  1. My hearing is so bad that I hear no buzz.

    So a school without human teachers bothers you. I don't think Travis would eliminate them all. He would just change what they do and probably reduce the number of them. Next week you will have AA#2 and the question of whether teachers are necessary at all will be raised again.
