Saturday, September 25, 2010



Joe Dale points out the importance of using the technology available to our advantage. Most school children use computers on a daily basis for recreation. Most students are familiar with and eager to learn with tools such as blogging and pod and vodcasting.
Yes! Project-based learning was always the best method for me. When I was encouraged to explain something in my own words, that lesson always stuck with me. Yes, exercising our creative muscles is the best way to learn and grow.


Well, it sounds like these prinicipals know what they want from their staff. It sounds like they are great leaders. As a brand new principal who was only going to be at his new job for a while, Principal Elias's attitude is impressive. He is going to improve that school by sharing his knowledge of and enthusiasm for technology.

As a parent, both of these principals impress me and motivate me to do my best. Their podcast is informative and fun for them and they both have children. It's obious that they both realize the importance of technology in the classroom because of it's place in the world.


This website is like a hub for sharing ideas for using technology in the classroom. People who visit are encouraged to leave their ideas and accomplishments involving new technology. There are plenty of ideas and podcasts to browse through. Since the initials ICT were familiar to me I took the link to ICT Weekly, which is a podcast from Victoria, Australia. In this podcast, two teachers update their listeners about ideas and discoveries involving new technologies in the classroom. I gues it's just a shame that I couldn't figure out how to share it with you all. Hey, maybe next time. Anyway, check out my team's podcast. I think for a first time thing we did very well. Enjoy.

Best and Worst Traits of Teachers

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late. I'm still learning how to keep up in this course with out physically being somwhere. Yes, that is the age of my mentality. Does that tell you how relevant these videos and posts are to me.

A VISION OF STUDENTS TODAY  This starts out with a quote that expresses the need for a more modern classroom in 1967. What this tells me is that we as teachers can never forget that the world is in a constant state of change. To serve our students we have to stay ahead of the game. Think about it; we have to stay ahead as students, so it makes sense that we need to be ahead to be effective teachers.
  At the end it suggests that technology alone can save us. At the same time, there was a quote about awarding the inventor of the system. We as people and teachers have to know how to use the systems we invent or we will not be saved.

IT IS NOT ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGY  Finally, someone who has helped me put my thoughts and feelings into words. I know there is something to be beholden about today's technology. It is knowing its place in this world that is key. Most of all, knowing its place in the classroom and our everyday lives.
  The kids we are going to teach are going to be at least one step ahead of us with technology. Unless we make it our business to know and learn from them. Like she said learning and teaching are not the same thing but they do go hand in hand. We will have to constantly learn to effectively teach.

IS IT OK TO BE...  This post was very insightful and very well said. I have to admit, I went for the longest time thinking that I could get away with not knowing. I was comfortable without an e-mail address. I was comfortable using an encyclopedia instead of Google (I'm not kidding). Since I started school in 2007, that has all changed and it is always changing.
  I love learning. I do believe that is why I love to teach. There is constant stimulation and I believe it is healthy for everyone. In order to teach we must do.

SOCIAL MEDIA COUNTER  Wow!! This is unreal! To look at this is to get a feeling of how huge this world is and how many people inhabit it. On the other hand, when you think about this anomolie we call the Internet, it really shrinks the world. Almost everything is tracked.
  As a teacher, I will remember my place in this huge world. That is, getting todays youth ready for society and life. Also, I will need to know how to use these powerful tools to our advantage.


English teacher Larry Ferlazzo's blog is packed with interesting links and information. He really keeps an eye on helpful tools for his English learning students. He is truly a student advocate. He is definitely aware of the relevancy of his student's individual cultures and their transition to American culture.
  I commented on his post about the "gracelessness of Michelle Rhee". Basically when the people in charge of public services are unwilling to work on the same projects, communities are in danger. These are the issues that all people especially teachers should be paying attention to. Also, I let Mr. Ferlazzo know that I think his method of addressing tardies is perfect. Some students will respond better to playfulness and sarcasm before they will any other method.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


In this post, Dr. Mcleoud has a very facetious way of expressing the fear of technology that most parents (including myself) experience today. But he has a serious point. Just because you may be scared as a parent to venture into the unknown, doesn't mean that you should deprive your kids a learning experience. Not only that you may learn something if you hang around and look over their shoulder.

My opinion is that us parents should be right there learning with our children. Us aunts and uncles should be happy to teach the young people in our lives. Technology is too huge a part of our society for anyone to ignore.

Did you know that Dr. McLeoud is the guy that made the "Did You Know?" video? Wow, what a mouth full. I have to say that I am glad to get to know about this person and I will be visiting his blog regularly.


It is my belief that there is nothing like teaching and learning with actual human beings. To have a school that requires no human contact whatsoever is kinda sci-fi for me. It is scary to think about how close things are to being this way.

On the other hand, the green aspect of it is awesome. We at least need to have classes that are all web enhanced to significantly reduce the waste of resources.


This was cool. Thanks for this. The symbolism here is just awesome and unmatched. It is just that easy to turn your life around. Encouragement and support does have to come from somewhere but once a person is determined to do their best, it seems as if life's path reverses just as smoothly as this poem did.


This was just weird. Since I am a live music hog, my opinion is biased but this was just too inorganic. I love to hear harmonizing but there was a slight electric buzz in the background that made it hard to listen to. No, it wasn't my speakers, it's just because those voices were intersected by too much technology before they made their way to my ears.

I have no doubt that this took careful organization and a particular ear. The idea of bringing so many voices together that way is cool enough. I just couldn't get into it.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Well, I must say that the educational implications of these two search engines are that there is even less to complain about when having to do research. What I mean is that the information being sought after is already organized, so there is absolutely no excuse now for poor organization. When I was a child and I asked my mom or dad about how to spell something or what something meant, they would simply say "look it up". I knew how to use a dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia like nobody's business, but I can't say that I didn't love Google when it came along. Now, you don't have to do a thing to find what you're looking for; it's just awesome. I didn't know anything about either of these. I'm glad I do now. I toyed around with each of them for quite a while. I especially like Wolfram Alpha. I didn't know I was 10,615 days old and that there was no holidays or observances on my birthday. It's just fun!
map of Pitcairn Islands
At first, the Did You Know? video had me mystified, but when I started thinking about the sources of information I had my doubts about the accuracy. It is true, when you consider the populations and geographical size of certain places perspectives change. I do feel that the U.S. could do better with it's educational and technological progress.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


OK. Obviously, I watched the wrong videos for my second post assignment. I am so sorry to whomever is supposed to comment on me. Wait, you probably got a good laugh out of it.

Well, actually, I didn't know. And I'm not sure I wanted to know because all of these BIG facts scare me. These technological issues involving the speed at which information travels and all of the different ways of gathering intimidate me.
I know that, as a teacher, I will have to be part of this information revolution and I have to be aware of my place in this world. I have to be aware to better serve my students.

This is the very reason that I am attracted to being a teacher and a student. There will always be a need for instruction and there is always something to be learned. The classroom is a comforting and nostalgic place for everyone.
But, I doubt I will be so lucky as to have a classroom with no computer to speak of. I say lucky because I am very proficient and confident in the "old school" way of teaching and learning. This video is a testament to these "old school" fundamentals. I know that I will have to be contantly learning about the new ways of gathering knowledge.

No one should forget the importance of the arts. My philosophy is that without the allowance of creative release our happiness is what escapes us; and what good are we to the world as sad, unmotivated souls.
I believe that in an attempt to manage the rapid population growth schools have become more like machines producing little business men and women. There is hardly any room for individual expression in the world of business.
The story of the dancer is just one example of how schools today, of how society today, can hold us back as individuals. I do not claim to be a mastermind on any subject, but I am certain that individual creativity is ignored these days.

Well I hope that this class will harness my digital smarts. I do know the importance of this, but I am just uneducated when it comes to the digital world.
The most important part for me of this video is the reassurance. The techer said to not come into the teaching profession feeling like you have to know everything. Be willing to learn especially from your students.

Saturday, September 4, 2010



It certainly is!! I have to say the live version of this lecture was way better!! But, that is true for anything live, right? I guess that is why I am so intimidated by this class. Communication today is so impersonal. Everyone is always texting and tweeting. Man, whatever happened to calling someone? Anyway, professionalism, good attitude, creativity; I have all of those covered on my own. The 9 hours a week I have to spend on activities, on the other hand, will be spent as close to someone who knows what they're doing as possible. I scare myself because ,yes, I do believe teachers must be technologically advanced. Teaching is one of the few professions in which a person has to stay informed of and open-minded to new things. Educators who do not make it their business to learn and evlove as much as possible are not student advocates.
No, I am not technologically advanced, but I do want to learn. I love to learn. I have already learned a little and I'm ready for more!


Yes, I will. And I have to say that all the punctuation errors is one problem that I have with technology today. I can't stand texting. It's slop. I won't be embarrasing you guys with bad grammar; at least I don't think I will. I've been using it for 3 years straight and you know what they say, "If ya don't use it ya loose it." Also, I am quite, quite fond of the spell check technology so, I won't be forgetting to use it.