Sunday, October 3, 2010

POST # 6


Well, is this an example of how paper will be used by the time I am teaching? Ha, Ha. Anywho, this video was very well put together. It surprises me that people are doing this in the classroom. I say this because when I graduated high school in 1999, there wasn't even a computer in every classroom. Really, the only person I remember having a computer at Murphy High School was the secretary. So, this is all new to me.

This does not mean that I am not up to the challenge. I am actually quite excited. I do believe that although I do not have that many technical skills or inclinations, I am learning. Also, I am ready to learn whatever I have to in order to do my best teaching. Much like the teacher in the video, my heart is in my interest in the field of teaching.

I know that as long as my heart is in my job, I will do well. Like I mentioned before, I am excited. Because of the technology available, my students and I will learn so much more than I did when I was young. It seems to me that having a networked classroom is a task that needs constant modification. I am prepared to be that kind of teacher.


This student is amazing. I was nowhere near as organized or knowledgeable as she when I was in 7th grade! I know that we are, as a people, becoming more technologically intelligent. But, her work is exemplary. I know that she had some guidance but the amount of information that this 7th grader takes in is surprising. When I was in 7th grade mostly what we did was busy work. I did go to a low-income school, but I believe that even if I had a teacher that ran herself ragged, I still wouldn't have been exposed to the amount of information that this young lady has been. I can't wait to be a part of the new classroom.


This was the most interesting video we have watched so far. As a matter of fact, am going to watch it again and maybe a third time. That's not a joke, by the way. I am only 2 years younger than  Mr. Wesch. I am so impressed with his work, the questions he is asking and the knowledge of he and his students. A lot of what he says hits home with me. I have often had these same thoughts and wanted to answer the same questions about the generations in my lifetime.

I guess this is why I want to teach multiple subjects; a little bit of everything interest me. But technology has always scared me. I never thought of it as an outlet for expressing ourselves as humans. I always thought of mass communication as taking away from our sensibility. But while worrying about what bad was going to come from this ability, I hardly ever considered what greatness can come from it.

The idea of recognition, or a new way of thinking about a thing has not ever been scary to me. On the contrary, it has always enticed me. I do not know why my thoughts about technology have been so different, but I believe that I am ready to think about this everyday and hopefully evolve into a the teacher I want to be.


  1. Mary,

    Your comment ... I do believe that although I do not have that many technical skills or inclinations, I am learning ... is the basis of this class. We want to give you the opportunity to learn new things in a way that makes you want to learn and gives you the opportunity to do it in a nurturing way. How do feel so far taking this class?

  2. The Networked Student
    This seemed to me to be a view as well into our futures as teachers. There was no pencil and paper. I am used to having computers in the libraries, the teachers, and office workers having them but that is about it. We never had a computer in my classroom for students' use. Here we are today and a lot of students are doing all of their work from a computer and one in their classroom at that. I am not the most technologically savvy just like you but I am learning as well. If I have to know how to operate and modify this use of technology for my class then I will because my desire is to teach.
    7th Grader's PLN
    I loved your point on how you had never been exposed to anything like this when you were in the 7th grade and neither had I. You are definitely correct about busy work. I think my middle school years were full of at your desk's worksheets/other work. The way she was so organized to technology which she used and knew just where to click to find what else she would like to know was amazing. She had everything she needed right at her fingertips and was very organized and knowledgable on what she had available.
    The Machine is Changing Us
    I actually truly enjoyed the video as well and loved what he was doing with his students. I am like you in the sense that I have always taken a step away from technology. I am afraid it is a little more than I can handle. I feel that I gained a lot out of what was taught to me when I was in school even though it was pencil and paper it was a lot of hands on activities as well. I am and must be open to the idea of technology in the classroom and through this course I am adjusting to it and to realizing it is not that hard to maneuver and I can do it.
